Friday, July 6, 2007

Mommy is Sneaky that way!

Tonight as I was tucking the girls in I got the usual requests--

"Mommy sit with us for 2 minutes" Jessica says

"This time make sure you kiss me before you leave the room...even if I'm sleeping" Lindsay says

Then I respond "I always do honey - you just don't remember it because you're always sleeping!"

Then I hear her mutter under her breath as she drifts off, "Well maybe you're just sneaky that way..."

It made me chuckle.

Blame mom for everything

Tonight at dinner while I was trying to find out about Lindsay and Jessica's day, I asked Lindsay "What kind of things did you do at camp today sweetie?".

Immediately Lindsay frowns at me and says "Mommy - you forgot to bring pirate stuff for me to wear!". Apparently it was pirate day and people were supposed to come to school dressed like pirates. "Well nobody told me this honey...I didn't know it was pirate day!"

Then she retorts in the same accusing voice "That's because I was supposed to tell you!!" and she continues to frown at me as if to say "It's still your fault mom!"