Tonight after dinner, Dave let Lindsay and Jessica pick out their "treat" for the evening. "The girls have had their treat!" he calls out to me. So I make a note to self - do not let the girls have any more treats tonight.
Shortly thereafter, Jess comes up to me,
"Mom, I haven't had my treat yet"
I quickly respond "Take it up with your Father Jess. He said you already had one."
So Jess dissappears to the basement to talk to Dave. She comes back to me and says
"Daddy said yes!"
"If I go downstairs and ask Daddy if he let you have a treat will he say yes?" I say
"Nooo don't ask him - he already knows!" she pleads
"Nice try Jess" I say.
Later that evening I asked Dave, "Did Jess come downstairs and ask you if she could have another treat? Because she told me you said yes." He laughs and says, "She came downstairs and asked me "Did I have my treat already dad?" and I responded "Yes!" so then she went back to you and said "Daddy said yes! What a smart girl!"
That little sneak!
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